Friday, September 4, 2009

My Husband and P90X 9/4/09

Ok, so I took a day off from my blog ☺ But, I did not take a day off from my P90X schedule and neither did Jay. So first things first.

I am posting a note from Tony Horton for you this morning. It is one of my favorite statements that he has put out on facebook. It goes like this:

"Life with exercise creates a completely different journey than a life without it. Making the time for exercise means that you're setting an intention to have a great life. Life without exercise means you're setting an intention to miss out on a better life. The quality of your life improves with exercise and it will get worse without it. Period! Your weight loss is a minute piece to the overall health and fitness puzzle. Every time you exercise you improve your fitness, healthy and quality of life. You always feel good afterward and you allow your mind and body to become less vulnerable to illness and injury. Every day you decide NOT to exercise your health, fitness and quality of life diminishes. You become more vulnerable to illness and injury and the energy and enthusiasm (feeling good) for a better life is not there. This is true for everyone. No exceptions.

Make a plan, stick to the plan and do it... forever!" TH

Okay, I realize that people are busy. We all are. And I know it is hard work starting a fitness and nutrition regimen. I also know that everything worth anything in life is usually something that has been received due to hard work and effort...Nothing in life is truly free of that. So why do we put these things on the bottom of our list sometimes...because "Dang" it is HARD! And unfortunately, we can not see what the lack of these things are doing to us on the inside.

As children our muscles, bones, and joints are moving around all the time without any effort. As we get older, our lifestyles in the way that our bodies move have drastically changed. We just don't move around as much because we are busy with trying to be a successful adult. But, we have failed as an adult to understand just how important it is to keep moving our body. The more we sit and do nothing, the more our bodies get stiff, lose flexibility, and our insides just literally start to deteriorate. That is why it is so hard in the beginning. Had we not have stopped moving in the first place, it would be much easier to do things like P90X.
And look at the difference in general (there are exceptions), of a person's disposition when someone is making fitness and nutrition a priority and someone who is not. You will find that the one who is eating better and exercising is much happier. I am not trying to make people "drink the happy kool-aid", I am trying to explain in more latent terms that it is fact, not fiction that it is critical that we all stop sitting and thinking about starting something, we need to act on it. It is never too late when it comes to age, size, or gender. That is not an excuse. There are 60 year plus people right now even doing P90X. Seriously, I have videos and photos. ☺ Just do it! There is something for everyone, and if are not sure, I will help you, remember that.

Back to Jay. He is still loving P90X. He makes it harder to write someday because there is less effort everyday getting him to do it, so nothing much to report, so I am tying to give you all some tips in between. Wednesday was Shoulders and Arms plus Ab Ripper X. And last night was his Yoga X night. Wednesday, went smooth. Thursday, he decided to ditch yoga once again for the spin cycle. I still feel that is fine. He will still be gaining flexibility in other workouts. You really can not force yoga. Part of the yoga experience is your mind set. So I am giving him some more time to get there. I did my Yoga X and right before bed, I decided to do power half hour stretch (30 min) just because I wanted it. I literally almost fell asleep on top of my leg doing a stretch last night. So relaxing.

I did P90X almost three years ago for the first time. When I started, I had never done any full fitness routine, never did a nutrition plan. My idea of watching what I ate was eating chicken not fried, but I still ate sugar treats and loved me some fried appetizers. that I know the science and can make myself visualize what it doing to me. "Fuget about it!" Anyway, it was the toughest thing I had ever done, but I had my reasons that gave me the mind set to push through the workouts good and bad. That is what it is all about our "Why".
For most, it takes 3 to 6 months doing a routine to make it a lasting way of life. A lot of times, people start and stop many times. That is why it is crucial to have someone, in most cases, to support you. Whether it is family, a friend, or a personal trainer...or even a coach like me. ☺ But you have to Commit, Decide, and Succeed. You are responsible for you.

Jay has so far made the commitment, and I am his coach. I am keeping him accountable and day by day, I see a change for the better in confidence and a happier attitude. My sister in law like to refer to him as "Eeyore" when you talk to him sometimes. You know that "how are you"..."I'm okay, I guess" response. Soon, I am hoping to call him "Mr.Sunshine" is getting there.☺

I had a fabulous and fit birthday yesterday. Thank you all for your birthday wishes! ♥ I sure do not feel 41, I feel more like 18. But I have a second chance to do it right. Move, Shake, and Push Play. That is what I will do now. I hope you do the same. ☺

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