Monday, September 14, 2009

My Husband and P90X 9/14/09

Rest Day at Ritter Park Sunday

Today starts Jay's Week 4...Amazing! I am going into Week 12...I am still in disbelief that it is almost the end of this round of P90X for me.
That means it is time to plan out my next program...I will keep you posted.

Saturday we both did Kenpo X and as always, very fun and sweaty. Now Jay, had some more Boom Boom Pow afterwards and hopped on his spin bike for about 45 minutes. Unbelievable this guy that put getting into shape off so long. He is on Fi-re! His week will be recovery, but it isn't rest by any means. Just a bit less intense weights. Today we are back to Yoga X for him. I have got to get him doing yoga! Wish me luck, I am going to have to use reversed psychology or some sort of competition technique, but rest assured...tomorrow WILL be about how Jay did Tony, HELP!!!

I have been thinking about something all weekend. My extremely fit friend, who is also a Beachbody coach, posted pics of her children doing some P90X moves with huge smiles on their faces. I have thought about this in passing before, but it really hit me ...As parents, we need to exercise ourselves and set good examples for our children. This allows them to begin good habits that are healthier and hopefully they will continue to be a fit people into their adult years. It is like when we teach them at a very young age to brush their teeth daily, we can incorporate the importance of exercise and being fit if we make it a part of their daily routine.

They really want to spend time with us at an early age. My four year old and my 13 year old love to "hop" in and do P90X workouts with me. My son is just loving my P90X pull-up bar. He even had me video tape him doing a workout. My daughter has her own names for some of the moves we do together like Monster Tires is now Monster 3-D tires. Make it fun! They copy us and soak every good and bad habit up at that young age, especially before Kindergarten. Try and make fitness part of your family time. Instead of a board game, pop in a dvd like Tony (Horton) and the Kids or if you have a WII, purchase the Fit or Active game. My four year old loves yoga on WII FIT...I wish her daddy would embrace the

The thing is, our bodies are meant to move and when we get older, our jobs tend to have us sitting way too much, then we come home and sit more in front of the TV or even sit in a car waiting on our kids to finish their sports practices...WE SIT ALL THE TIME!!! Our bones and muscles get "creaky" and "rusty". But if we start exercising, they get strong and flexible again. Allowing us to do so much more in everyday life.
We must not let our kids sit playing video games for hours. I am not knocking video games totally, just limit it and get your kid outside with you and shoot some hoops. It will make them smile and you will too!☺ Part of the reason you are tired all the time is because you are not active...if you just get up and start moving, you will find that your body may get a second wind. A Really Good second wind! Of course what you eat helps too, but I won't go
I am going to focus a bit on kids fitness now so I am adding a Positive Impact:Get Kids Fit link to my arsenal of blogs. I feel it is very important to get the message out that WE MUST END CHILD OBESITY, and it starts at home. I will have local activities that kids can do when I find them and also, I will be happy to come out to your child's school or a church, or any organization and workout with the kids. Check it out if you are interested. I will post kid and fitness blogs, articles, and tips.

Have a Fit and Fabulous Day!!! ☺

Learn about the coaching opportunity and Beachbody.
The Monday webinar is tonight. If you want to join me, send me an email:

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